Welcome to Pod Cities!

HAVE YOU ever found yourself stuck in traffic and feeling frustrated?  Have you ever noticed how much TIME it takes just to prepare meals?  Have you ever wondered how a family used to be able to live on one income, and now it seems like even two people working isn’t enough?

The current system is not working for our benefit and happiness.

We are looking for something better.

Imagine if…

  • You could come home every night to a home cooked meal.
  • Your best friends lived right next door.
  • You could always find someone trustworthy to watch your kids.
  • You didn’t have to worry about economic downturns because you knew your needs would be taken care of.
  • You didn’t have to stress about how you were going to pay the bills.
  • You’d always be able to find people to hang out with on a Friday night.
  • You could focus on doing only work that you truly enjoy.

That is all possible in Pod Cities.

The socio-economic system that we have now is simply what we happen to have from the evolution of our society and technology.  It was never planned or intentionally designed.  Now it’s time to step back and re-evaluate, taking into account all that we’ve learned and all the new possibilities that technology is giving us.

In Pod Cities, we believe in taking a fresh look, as if starting from a totally clean slate.

There is a shift in consciousness taking place in our country.  Have you noticed?  The attention is moving away from being “all about me” to be about “us.”  That means our families, friends, and communities.

Pod Cities is about facilitating this shift in living and working in community.

The intention of this website is to co-create a new social-economic system.  That’s a tall order!  We don’t know how to do it on our own, but we think we CAN set up the system that will let it evolve with the involvement of interested people.  This blog is an open invitation for you to participate in the creative process.

Join us now.


Robert Van Hulle  &  PJ Van Hulle

About Robert Van Hulle:

Robert Van Hulle has worked in the San Francisco Bay Area as an architect for over 30 years, and is currently working on multiple projects for Subway sandwiches, as well as bringing some of his inventions to market, the latest of which is a new type of wind turbine.

He first started seeing the path that would lead to Pod Cities when he was a student at U.C. Berkeley.

“I thought it would make sense for buildings to be able to grow through a natural process similar to the way a tree grows.  I then realized that this wouldn’t be possible within our current system so I began thinking of an alternate system.”

Robert has always been interested in architecture, nature, and how things work.  He loves inventing and making things.  He also loves windsurfing, hiking, skiing, and travel.

About PJ Van Hulle:

PJ Van Hulle works with Bay Area entrepreneurs and business owners who are having the challenge of not knowing how to increase their income in a down economy.  She supports them to double their income while increasing their time off.

Her unique ability is inspiring prosperity in others so they make choices out of freedom and joy instead of debt and obligation.

She is a certified trainer with 12 years of teaching experience, and she now leads seminars, workshops, and retreats on financial education and prosperity consciousness.

PJ is a strong advocate of her father’s Pod Cities concept because, “this makes sense to me as a much better way to live.  The people that attend my workshops want more quality time with the people they love and less time working, running errands, and doing busy work.  Pod Cities is the answer.”