I’ve gotten more insight into how the trading ideas mentioned in the last post could be implemented.  It could be based on the concept “you’re doing it anyway”.  You need to get milk for your morning coffee.  When you go shopping you check your phone and pick up however much milk it tells you to. You take your milk and drop the rest off at a nearly collection point to be delivered (like the lunch pail system mentioned in the last post). You would be credited with the extra cost of the food.

You would have a done a service and will earn some fair compensation.   I think the easiest method would be determined by the amount of money that was spent but I figured that would best be worked out later by the people who are willing to try the system out.  If you wanted to earn more for going to the store you could buy additional items that your phone tells you to.  The fair compensation could be to have the equivalent amount of food delivered to you over time.

We need a delivery system for this to work.  It can be based on “you’re going there anyway”.  You need to go somewhere and you tell your phone where.  You are directed to go to certain locations along the way to pick up and deliver the food or whatever item is wanted.  In these cases you have to do some extra work but you could save much more overall.  This also could naturally serve as ride sharing. You drive once a week instead of all five days.  Maybe the ride home is combined with the food sharing system and you get a hot dinner to take home.

The value of everyone’s efforts and contributions will be counted.  Just like a credit score people would have a social capital account with the sum total of their contributions to the common good. Even helping one person counts.  I think that the compensation should be to have access to whatever food, goods, perks that the society has somehow based on your SC number.  Your SC doesn’t go down when you “buy” something.  Let’s use food for example.  Everyone is entitled to healthy and nutritious food.  So the first thing that the society needs to do is make sure that it has enough food for its members.  It shouldn’t be too hard to secure or grow the basic staples that people need to survive.  Basic food should always be in supply.  Anything above that is has to be distributed.

Luck always has a lot to do with someone’s success so I suggest the basics and perks should be doled out based on a lottery system.  Your odds are based on your SC number but anyone can get anything.

There would be an incentive to contribute as you would want to keep up with your neighbors just like what happens a volunteer event.  It naturally creates value and an increase of the overall wealth of the community which you would get an fair share of.  It would obviously take a lot of work and hopefully few other rules to set this up.  It might work really well.